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Help Us Change Lives


As a registered non-profit organisation, LiC thrives on the generosity of others.

We have been fortunate enough to be supported by some incredible companies and our teams work hard to fundraise to aid in supporting our mission.


That being said, educating children across Africa on conservation is no small feat. If you would like to help us in serving to save, please donate below!

Help us make a difference

For all our friends and supporters we are able to provide 501 (c) 3


Account Holder Name: Lessons in Conservation

Bank: Nedbank Limited

Account Number: 1171 545 754

Branch Code: 160 245


Nedbank Swift / BIC: NEDSZAJJ

Receiving Account Holder's Address:

 105 Hoogelen Farm PTN 2, White River, 1240, South Africa

Receiving Bank's Address:

White River Shopping Centre, Cnr Chief Mgiyeni Khumalo Dr & Hennie Van Til Str White River Mpumalanga, White River, 1240


Lessons in Conservation

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